Post about "entertainment news"

Just Entertainment

The word “entertainment” covers a lot of territory and we spend a vast amount of time entertaining and being entertained. What is entertainment for one is not necessarily entertainment for another. We will keep this in mind as we explore the various forms of entertainment that surround us every minute of every day.While driving we see someone pulled over by the local law enforcement receiving a ticket. Some of us will be entertained by that and relieved it isn’t us who gained the attention of the traffic patrol. Now the person receiving the ticket is not being entertained at all.Watching a dog chase a cat over the fence, through the yard and up a tree is entertainment. Especially if it’s not your cat. And even if it were, at least the dog was being entertained.One more example of this form of entertainment is in order. Okay. Maybe not. But I just can’t help myself. There is the story of the man who ran a red light and struck a car carrying some elderly ladies. He was without a doubt in the wrong, but upon seeing who was in the car he thought he would bully them. He approached the vehicle and started yelling and blaming the driver for the accident. Well the ladies would have none of it and began to pummel the character with handbags and umbrellas. Now was this entertainment to those involved? I doubt it. But it sure was to those who witnessed the event.Now let’s explore some other, more conventional forms of entertainment. The types we find less nerve racking and more enjoyable. Reading, for example, is not only relaxing but is also intellectually stimulating. Books and magazines are sometimes just what the doctor ordered to ease the tensions of a stressful day. Of course, there are many types of books. There are text books, audio books, online books, children’s books, and novels of all kinds. Reading is a great form of entertainment.Going to the movies is fine entertainment. Or, renting a video or DVD, and relaxing in your easy chair with some nuked popcorn and a cold drink is even better yet. You can take an intermission whenever you want and it’s much less expensive. Sometimes you feel like going out, sometimes you don’t.Music. We can’t forget music. Music in one fashion or another, has been and always will be with us. I have no idea what the first music ever played was. But I do know that today’s music is available in many genres. We have classical, rock, pop, punk, rap, blues, soul, jazz, christian, and country music just to name a few. Yesterdays 45s and LPs are all but gone. They have been replaced with music videos, music downloads, and CDs.There is simply no way I can list all the forms of entertainment we have available to us. But I can tell you that if you are looking to be entertained by books, magazines, videos, DVDs, music videos, music downloads, CDs and much, much more, then the place to visit is There you will find a wide assortment of quality entertainment selections.